
Applying for a Passport

Passport applications are available online or locally at some Ann Arbor Post Offices (see specific locations below) or at the County Clerk's Office. To apply for your first passport or to renew a passport that was issued when you were less than 16 years old, you must apply in person. Passport processing times are available on the U.S. Department of State website.

Complete information and downloadable application forms are available at U.S. Department of State.

You will need to bring the following items when you apply in person:

  • Application Form DS-11. Downloadable forms are available from the U.S. Department of State website. (If renewing by mail use Form DS-82).
  • One passport photo taken within the last 6 months. For specific requirements see the Department of State website.
  • Proof of U.S. citizenship. Acceptable documents include naturalization papers, a certified copy of your birth certificate (see Where to Write for Vital Records), or a previous passport.
  • Other picture ID. A valid driver's license or official state ID card. If you are adopted or changed your name, you will need more identification. Call ahead to verify what you need to bring.
  • Payment. Bring two payments. One is the U.S. Department of State application fee and the other is the USPS or county clerk's office processing fee (execution fee). See U.S. Department of State’s Passport for fee information.

Apply in person locally at one of the following locations. For locations other than Ann Arbor, see the U.S. Department of State website.

Ann Arbor Main Post Office
2075 W. Stadium
Ann Arbor Liberty Post Office
200 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
County Clerk's Office
Courthouse Bldg
200 North Main Street

Expedited Passport Processing

To get a passport more quickly, you can pay an additional fee. For more information, including current processing times, see the U.S. Department of State website.

You can obtain a passport by applying in person and paying for expedited processing at the following locations. Processing via express mail is also available. For additional locations in Ann Arbor and elsewhere see Passport Acceptance Facility Search Page.

Ann Arbor Main Post Office
2075 W. Stadium
Ann Arbor Liberty Post Office
200 E. Liberty
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
County Clerk's Office
Courthouse Bldg,

The Detroit Passport Agency can also issue expedited passports. Immediate processing is available in particularly urgent situations. For more information and application procedures, see the U.S. Department of State Detroit Passport Agency web page or call 1-877-487-2778.

Getting Photos

You can get passport pictures immediately at the following locations near the UM (Ann Arbor) Central Campus.

Michigan Photography
500 S. State St.
LSA Bldg, Room 0246
505 E. Liberty St.
CVS Pharmacy
209 South State Street.

Passport Replacement and Renewal

  • To replace a lost or stolen passport, follow the procedures explained at U.S. Department of State Lost or Stolen Passports.
    If a passport is lost or stolen abroad, report the loss to local police, get a written confirmation of the police report, and take the above documents to the nearest U.S. consulate (if you are a U.S. citizen) and apply for a new passport. Passports issued abroad can take anywhere from days to weeks to issue.
  • To renew a passport, follow the procedures explained at U.S. Department of State Renew Passport.