peace corps prep

Peace Corps Prep Information Session

Thursday, January 25, 2024
PC Prep Info Session

Description: Planning on applying to the Peace Corps or another global service program?

Make sure you're the most prepared candidate possible by participating in the Peace Corps Prep certificate program, which is open to all undergraduate students!

Through coursework and extracurricular experiences, the program will facilitate development within the following four core competencies: work sector-specific skills, foreign language proficiency, intercultural competency, and leadership. Learn more at our upcoming virtual information sessions!

Peace Corps Application Workshop

Thursday, September 14, 2023
Peace Corps Application Workshop

Description: Are you interested in applying to be a Peace Corps Volunteer? Come join us for an application workshop! During the workshop, you'll learn about the Peace Corps application process while also learning about how to strengthen your application. Whether you've already started the application process or plan to do so this year, this event is for you! 

This workshop will be presented by Emily Nguyen, Regional Recruiter from the Office of Recruitment and Diversity with the Peace Corps.

Peace Corps Application Workshop

Monday, December 4, 2023
Peace Corps Application Workshop

Description: Join us to learn how to tackle the first step of your Peace Corps journey: the application! We will review the different components, give best tips/tricks, and answer any lingering questions. This session will take place just in time for you to prepare your applications for the January 01, 2024 deadline.

A light dinner will be provided! 

Register here!



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