
Michigan Tax Webinar

Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Michigan Tax Webinar - 2025

Description: Representatives from the Michigan Department of Treasury will explain the State of Michigan tax form to international students and scholars. This webinar is specifically designed for F-1 and J-1 international students and scholars. It will not help permanent residents or U.S. citizens.

Since your Michigan tax form uses information from specific parts of your federal tax form, it is important to prepare your federal tax form before the webinar and have it available so you can follow the webinar.

U-M Library Basics

Monday, January 13, 2025
U-M Library Basics

Description: Gain insight into the resources and services available at the library and learn strategies for efficiently finding information for your research projects.

Join a U-M Librarian as the questions below are explored:

An Introduction to the English Language Institute (ELI) for Graduate and Professional Students

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Description: Pamela Bogart from the U-M English Language Institute (ELI) invites you to a Zoom conversation to learn about ELI courses and other resources to support graduate students who speak English as an additional language. 

ELI offers credit-bearing academic English courses (free to full-time students) to support you through all stages of your academic career. ELI classes are small, interactive, and provide students with extensive one-on-one feedback. 

Networking & Small Talk in English by the English Language Institute (ELI)

Friday, August 16, 2024

Description: Making small talk is one of the most challenging types of speaking to master in a second language. In this workshop, we will explore conversation topics, turn-taking strategies, active listening, and sources for sample conversations. We will consider different varieties of small talk in common graduate student contexts, such as getting to know classmates or seeming friendly and confident at a job interview or as a GSI. Come ready to practice with one another and to identify effective ways to practice on your own.

OPT 101: Preparing to File for Post-Completion OPT

Monday, September 28, 2020
OPT 101 Flyer

Description: International Center staff will provide an overview of the process of preparing to file your post-completion OPT application with USCIS including tips on how to avoid common issues. We'll also share information on maintaining F-1 status during pending and approved OPT. OPT topics related to travel, troubleshooting, OPT reporting, health insurance, and abandoning F-1 OPT will be discussed. This workshop is intended for students that have already completed the OPT Online Workshop and are preparing to mail the OPT application to USCIS.

Maintaining Your Car

Friday, November 22, 2019
Maintain Your Car

Description: After you have bought your car, keeping up on maintenance will help your car last longer. This workshop will give you a sample Car Inspection Checklist and an overview of automobile mechanics to help you understand the purpose for each checklist item as well as when you should get an oil change, tune-ups, brakes checked, etc. Get ready to talk "car talk"!

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