
International Spouses/Partners Event Series

Monday, August 19, 2024
Spouse Partner Event Series

Description: As a spouse or partner of an international student at the University of Michigan, you may be wondering how to adjust to living in the U.S., and in Ann Arbor. Attend this event series to learn about some of the possibilities and to meet other spouses and partners of international students!

All events will be led by the Michigan Language Center (MLC) in partnership with the U-M International Center.

How to Use Your U-M International Health Insurance

Friday, January 10, 2025
How to Use the UM International Health Insurance

Description: This presentation will cover detailed information about how to use the University's required health insurance (the International Student/Scholar Health Insurance Plan). You'll learn how and where to obtain medical treatment if you need it and how to avoid unnecessary expenses by understanding how this health insurance works.

Register here!


Stress Less for Success

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Description: A psychologist from Counseling and Psychological Services will explain what stress is, discuss stressful experiences that international students may go through, talk about mental health and how to get help​,​ and provide ​tools to manage stress.  ​

This workshop is co-sponsored by Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

This session is being offered as part of International Orientation; however, registration is open to continuing students, as well.

Driving the U.S. presented by AAA

Monday, August 12, 2024

Description: Are you new to driving in the United States? Driving conditions and customs may be different than what you are used to in your home country. This workshop will provide information to help you prepare for driving in the U.S., including driving tips, driving etiquette, and important skills to keep you safe on the roads in good and bad weather.

This workshop is co-sponsored by Michigan AAA.

Benefits Overview for Graduate Students (GSI/GSRA/Fellowship Holder)

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Description: If you are a new Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) or Graduate Student Research Assistant (GSRA) or a student whose fellowship will include GradCare insurance, come to this workshop for a brief explanation about how insurance works in the U.S., followed by information about selecting and using your insurance plan, including information about some important deadlines. The insurance coverage and other benefits you receive as a GSI/GSRA are very valuable but can be confusing -- this is your chance to learn from experts.


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