International Center Student Council (ICSC)

ICSC Purpose

The International Center Student Council (ICSC) provides globally minded students with a forum to identify and examine issues affecting students. ICSC serves as a direct link between U-M students and the International Center. It is dedicated to helping the International Center fulfill its mission. ICSC also serves to provide a global community in which members can respectfully and creatively collaborate with each other and with IC to make UM a better place for personal and professional growth.

Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to join ICSC, and both international and U.S. students are encouraged to join!

Applications to join ICSC open every September. Members are expected to serve for at least one full academic year. 

Questions? To contact ICSC, please email [email protected].


2024-2025 ICSC Application

If you are interested in joining ICSC, please submit an application by September 15, 2024. If selected, you will be contacted by September 20. 


ICSC Leader and Members

2023-2024 ICSC Leader

Eva Hayes Whelan

Eva Hayes Whelan

Hello, my name is Eva Hayes Whelan. I am a sophomore student from Dublin, Ireland. I’m hoping to declare a double major in Economics and Biology this year. During my free time, I love to take advantage of Ann Arbor’s campus so if you want any advice on the best study spots, cafes or best hiking trails don’t hesitate to reach out! This is my second year serving on the ICSC board and I am excited to continue to work alongside a diverse group of international students in helping the international community at the University of Michigan.


2023-2024 ICSC Members

Kailey Hwang, South Korea
Muhammad Irfan, Pakistan
Xinjin Li, China
Lori Lin, China
Yu-Yu Lin, Taiwan
Ashwin Manoj, India
Amol Mendonca, India
Nurin Musa, Malaysia
Jingjia Peng, China
Nishant Shah, India
Urvashi Sharma, USA
Priyasini Vilayan, Malaysia
Yuping Wei, China