Enhanced Social Distancing Requirement Announced for Fall Term 2020

8/25/20: U-M has just posted updated information about guidelines for students arriving on campus  from international locations. Students arriving from international or domestic locations via plane, bus or train are expected to follow COVID-19 prevention measures (wearing face coverings, social distancing, and limiting contact with others). They are also encouraged to stay home as much as possible for the 14-day period following their arrival. However, during this time, they may attend classes, go to work, or go out for essentials (groceries, banking, etc.) and they may use public transportation to get to their destination. For more details, see the CampusMaize & Blueprint website.

U-M has just posted information about the 14-day enhanced social distancing requirement for students arriving on campus directly from international locations. The 14-day period of enhanced social distancing begins when you arrive on campus, and can be done in your residence on- or off-campus. Depending on your arrival date, this 14-day period may overlap with the start of classes and you are expected not to go to (in-person) classes until your 14-day period is complete. You should communicate with your instructor(s) directly to determine appropriate academic adjustments during this 14-day period.

Please refer to the Campus Maize & Blueprint website for detailed information about the enhanced social distancing requirement and for other important information about safety and health

Source: https://campusblueprint.umich.edu/faqs/#enhanced-social-distancing-header


Last updated: Monday, 8/3/2020, at 10:34AM.