work abroad

Campus B Information Session: Virtual Internships in Brazil

Thursday, April 8, 2021
Campus B

Description: Learn about virtual summer internships in Brazil offered through Campus B. The Summer Virtual Internship program runs for 9 weeks (June 14 - August 13, 2021) and offers opportunities for undergraduate students studying engineering, information, computer science, communications and business.

Click here for more information about the Summer Virtual Internship program

Teaching English Abroad Program Specific Sessions

Monday, November 2, 2020
Teaching Abroad Specific Sessions

Description: Learn more about teaching English abroad after graduation through the six different programs listed below! Representatives and/or past participants will share information about what it's like to teach English abroad as a participant in each program!

If you missed our October 29th session on Teaching English Abroad After Graduation, check out the event page for a link to the slides. This event covered general information that is important to know when considering teaching English abroad.

Teaching English Abroad After Graduation

Monday, November 11, 2024
Teaching English Abroad After Graduation

Description: Teaching English abroad can be a cost-effective way to spend a year (or two!) immersing yourself in another culture after graduation. There are many ways to go about teaching English abroad, so we invite you to join us for a session that will cover topics including things to know about teaching English abroad, opportunities to do so, and how to prepare for the experience while still a student at U-M! 

Pizza will be provided! 

Interning Outside of the U.S. as an International Student

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Description: Are you an international student who is interested in interning outside the United States this summer? Or, have you already secured an international internship? This presentation will provide an introduction to interning outside of the U.S., general considerations when applying for a visa, and how to re-enter back into the U.S. after your internship.

Register here.

Teaching English Abroad

Thursday, November 11, 2021
Teach English Abroad

Description: Teaching English abroad can be a cost-effective way to spend a year (or two!) immersing yourself in another culture after graduation. There are many ways to go about teaching English abroad, so we invite you to join us for a session that will cover topics including things to know about teaching English abroad, opportunities to do so (primarily beginning in 2022 and beyond), and how to prepare for the experience while still a student at U-M! 


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