International Student Fee: Updated Information

The University of Michigan Office of Public Affairs recently posted some updated information about the international student fee described below. If you have additional questions after reading the updated information, you can email [email protected]

New International Student Fee

The University of Michigan’s Board of Regents has approved an international student service fee of $500/term that will go into effect Fall Term 2019. The university places a high priority on providing sufficient services and infrastructure to support international students, and the fee will enable the university to maintain and enhance its campus-wide commitment to international student services, programming, and administration.

The fee will apply to all University of Michigan - Ann Arbor students in F or J immigration status. Students will see the fee on their student accounts, as is the case with other university fees. Consistent with the terms of their offers of admission, the university will cover the fee for all Ph.D. students in good academic standing. In addition, the university will cover the fee for students appointed as GSIs or GSSAs, in accordance with the UM/GEO collective bargaining agreement.

The university welcomes and values international students, who contribute unique perspectives, enrich the culture of the university community and broaden the university’s global focus. It is implementing this fee to ensure continued and sustained international student support across the university. For more information about the international student service fee, see a recent article in the University Record and the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions. If you have additional questions, you can email [email protected]