Message of Congratulations to the Class of 2021

Congratulations to all of the international students in the Class of 2021! Graduating from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor, a top institution for higher education, is a huge accomplishment. It represents the hard work you put in to achieve the ambitious goal you set for yourself by coming to the United States. Be it a bachelors, masters, professional, or doctoral degree, we know you worked hard to earn your place as a U of M alum and a Wolverine for life! We hope that you had a positive experience, made lifelong friends, networked, and prepared for your career or future studies. Moreover, we hope you learned a great deal about the U.S., while sharing your own unique perspectives and culture.

While graduation marks the culmination of your studies, exams or dissertations, we refer to the celebration as the Commencement Ceremony. This is in part because you are now starting on a new journey -- as an alum -- and as someone who will seek and fulfill new goals. With that in mind, we wish you the best of luck and success and a sincere congratulations on your graduation and commencement!

On behalf of the entire International Center, CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHES!


Judith Pennywell, Ed.D.
Director, International Center