The International Center is aware of the proposed changes to the period of admission and extension of stay procedures for our F-1 and J-1 students and scholars, and we are very disappointed in these proposed changes. We feel very strongly that these proposed changes would significantly and detrimentally impact international students and scholars and do not align with the unique educational needs of students and scholars in academic institutions.
Please note that these are proposed changes; they are not currently in effect. There is a 30-day public comment period, and during this time, colleges, universities, professional associations, and individuals can submit comments. Once the comment period closes, DHS is required to read and consider all comments before publishing a final rule.
As part of our continued advocacy for our international population, the International Center will submit a formal comment letter on behalf of the University of Michigan that will explain why these proposed changes would be very damaging for our current and future international students and scholars. We anticipate that both higher education and international professional associations as well as other colleges and universities will also submit comment letters expressing significant concerns. The University of Michigan will also work with a number of educational and professional associations on collective advocacy efforts. We have seen some success in the past when associations and institutions submit their objections through the comment letter process and remain hopeful that positive change will come from our efforts.
We will reach out to the international community when we have further information. In the meantime, please recognize that this is a proposal and that nothing has changed for the time being, and that this proposed rule could potentially change or even be withdrawn following the comment period. As always, you should continue to maintain proper immigration status and follow the policies that currently apply for F and J students and scholars as indicated on our extensive website and in individual advising sessions.
We are glad you are here and we will work diligently to ensure that you and future Wolverines can pursue your education without being hampered by the very restrictive policies contained in this proposed rule.
Last updated:Tuesday, 10/20/2020, at 12:00PM.