Scams are illegal and fraudulent schemes by criminals (scammers) who are trying to get money from you. Scammers will often impersonate actual agencies or companies and may contact you by phone, text or email. These criminals are often very convincing, so it’s important to be very careful so that you don’t lose your money or provide personal information to people who should not have it
The International Center would like to remind both new and continuing international students and scholars to:
- Review the International Center Scam Warning Page
- If you receive a call, text, or email that might be a scam and are not sure what to do, contact the International Center or the U-M Division of Public Safety & Security (DPSS) at (734-763-1131) or online here. DPSS is always open so if you get a call like this at night or over the weekend you can always call them for advice.
- Call for advice about possible scams before sending money or giving out personal information.
Updated 12/19/2024