Statement on the Recent Violence at the U.S. Capitol

We watched appalled and dismayed at the violent riot led by fringe groups at the U.S. Capitol in Washington D.C. on January 6th.  President Schlissel has issued a message that speaks to our collective belief in the democratic process in the U.S.  

We will post information on a special Friday Forum on January 15th for international students to ask questions and to discuss the January 6th events.     In the meantime, the International Center, CAPS, and the Dean of Students Office are available to offer support, should you have concerns as a result of the events at the Capitol.  Support for U-M employees is available from the Faculty and Staff Counseling and Consultation Office (FASCCO) or for Michigan Medicine employees, from the Michigan Medicine Office of Counseling and Workplace Resilience.

In spite of the violence at the Capitol, the count of electoral votes was completed in the early morning of January 7, meaning that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have now been officially confirmed as the next President and Vice-President of the United States. Their term in office will begin on January 20th.

Last updated: Friday, 1/8/2021