There are multiple programs and opportunities for short term work in Francophone countries. Search the Work Permit Programs page for programs that provide work permits abroad. Check out the Job Placement Programs for programs that find and place participants in available jobs.
Note: There are University Travel Warnings issued on some of destinations listed below. It is the participant’s responsibility to research this information & to adhere to the University’s Travel Policy if going to one of these destinations as a University of Michigan student. See the University’s Travel Policy for further information, including a current list of countries with travel warnings and restrictions.
Programs and Opportunities
- Experience International
Offers agriculture based volunteer or work experience in over 25 countries including France, Canada and Switzerland. Most arrangements include wages and/or a stipend, room and board Placements are based on applicant's background, experience, career goals, and detailed placement request. Applicants must be 21+, have at least two years of college education and experience in desired field. Placement fee and additional fees vary. - International Cooperative Education Program
Paid internships and work abroad placements in Belgium, France, and Switzerland. Summer work opportunities (2-4 months) in various industries. At least one year college French required Application fee and placement fee. Best to apply before February. NOTE: This program has written assignments before and after the placement. - Interexchange
Au pair placement in France is open to men and women. A 10-12 month commitment is required. The program offers a private room, full board, monthly stipend, and a transportation card in exchange for 30 hours of childcare assistance. Apply at least 3 months prior to desired starting date. There is also a fee. Short-term teaching in exchange for room and board is also available. - CEI - Club des 4 vents
Short-term work placements and authorization services in France. Placements can be up to 3 months in duration. Company can provide placement for a fee or you can find your own. Fees vary with services provided. Must be 18 or older; higher education students preferred.